Infection Prevention and Contro - Basic

Duration 37 m 3 s

Available 30 days


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Infection Prevention and Contro - Basic

About Course

In this course, the student will gain basic knowledge of Infection Prevention and control. This course includes the following following topics:

Section 1: Chain of Transmission and Risk Assessment

  • Chain of Transmission
    • Infectious Agents
    • Reservoir
    • Portal of Exit
    • Modes of Transmission
    • Portal of Entry
    • Susceptible Host
  • Breaking the Chain of Transmission
    • Infectious Agents
    • Reservoir
    • Portal of Exit
    • Modes of Transmission
    • Portal of Entry
    • Susceptible Host
  • Risk Assessment 

Section 2: Routine Best Practices

  • Personal Risk Assessment
  • Tasks for Performing Your Personal Risk Assessment
    1. Assess Individual
    2. Assess Your Skills
  • Routine Best Practices
    • Gloves
    • Gown
    • Mask
    • Eye Protection
    • Hand hygiene 
    • Use and Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer
    • Wash with Soap and Water
    • Technique for using hand sanitizer
    • Technique when washing hands with soap and water

Section 3: Additional Precautions

  • Contact
  • Droplet
  • Airborne
  • Elements of Additional Precautions:
    • Accommodation
    • Signage
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Cleaning
    • Equipment
    • Communication
    • Transport
    • Visitor

Section 4: Control of the Environment

  • Control of the Environment
    • Cleaning and Disinfection
    • Factors affecting Cleaning and Disinfection
    • Soiled Linen

Section 5: Administrative Control

  • Administrative Control
  • Immunization
  • Food & Drink
  • Respiratory Etiquette
  • Sharps

Course content

videoChain of Transmission5 m 57 s Start
videoBreaking the Chain of Transmission4 m 42 s Start
videoRisk Assessment1 m 32 s Start
videoWhat is Risk Assessment?2 m 34 s Start
videoPersonal Risk Assessment25 s Start
videoTasks for Performing Your Personal Risk Assessment55 s Start
videoRoutine Practices2 m 29 s Start
videoAdditional Precautions3 m 35 s Start
videoElements of Additional Precautions6 m 19 s Start
videoControl of The Environment3 m 52 s Start
videoAdministrative Control1 m 49 s Start
videoImmunization44 s Start
videoFood & Drink1 m 27 s Start
videoRespiratory Etiquette43 s Start

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Infection Prevention and Control - Basic

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Kamyab Ghatan

Kamyab Ghatan

Course Instructor

Dr. Kamyab Ghatan is a National Infection Prevention and Control Consultant and is the President of Infection Shield Consulting  in the Greater Toronto Area. He is an alumnus of Windsor University School of Medicine with a Medical Doctor Degree and B.Sc. (Hons.) Degree with a specialization in Neuroscience, Biology, and Psychology from the University of Toronto in 2005. Kamyab has always been passionate about medicine and appreciates the notion of working in the field of Infection Prevention and Control. He drives his greatest source of inspiration from helping people reinforce themselves with the knowledge and awareness needed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Kamyab is driven by the desire to save lives and serves with an aim to curtail the rising morbidity and mortality rates in the community due to preventable infections.